Joy-PSE: People & Society E-Pub./Empathizers (Ba.So.Sc.-Criminal Justice, Artist, Nurse) *** "Celebrating Courage" "©"

Tuesday, 25 October 2016

In The News -- Should Obamacare Be Repealed And Replaced/Is There A Way To Save Americans From Yet Another Disaster!

By Joy Kissoon

Does Anyone Really Care About The American Economy or Is this American Presidential Election Just about Who Can Get The Most Power And Privilege!
Is The Voter Being Taken Advantage off?

America uncut -- the media will sugar coat the actual events being reported because their jobs depend on making these candidates look acceptable to the American public, world`s population and definitely world leaders!

Tuesday, 9 August 2016

The Rightful Democratic Presidential Nominee Is Senator Bernie Sanders! (Copyright ©)

This Oil Painting was created in Tribute To The Senator for his ability to touch masses of people Nationally & Internationally by showing the Public a system of Democratic Governing is anything but Democratic!
However, the Senator has continuously held Independent status in the state of Vermont. Nevertheless, in 2016, he ran his presidential nomination campaign in the Democratic Primary. The Senator`s job was to increase the electoral votes under the Democratic platform. This whilst knowing the only candidate that Democratic elites would nominate was Mrs. H. Clinton. Americans became so engrossed in the movement that many gave up everything to follow Sanders to the Democratic National Convention (DNC) with the intention of Nominating Sanders. Unknown to the public this was not a viable deal for Democrats & Sanders being nominated at the DNC was not part of the arrangement. After the open humiliation of Sanders & more importantly the public; Sanders attempted to return to his Independent agenda & take his voters. Only this was not a suitable alternative for Democrats & not part of the negotiations (former). Therefore, what followed were media leaks regarding the political arrangements & moneys paid out for running in the Democratic Primary.. Politics makes for strange bed-fellows..
Link addressing the Independent Status:
By: Joy Kissoon

Americans have Now turned to the Green Party in their pursuit for Democracy! The masses DO believe the Rightful Democratic Nominee were cheated out of a fairly contested Win! On further Investigation the public have No choice but to concede that corruption stole the Nomination!

Democracy Or Not! Vote Rigging Seems Customary In The U.S. This Time All Is Revealed!

What's Happening In America To Influence Voting!

Tuesday, 26 July 2016

What Really Happened @ The U.S. DNC, July 25 & 26, 2016; Philadelphia!

Democracy is Not the process of making deals/steeling votes! Elites worked all day (July 26th.) making concessions behind the scene to secure HRC Nomination!

Day 3- 4 of the DNC (July 27th. & 28th.) I've lost interest in American process of Democracy.

Honourable mention to: Senator Elizabeth Warren who also did a fabulous job last Night! She was impressive, articulate and informative! Warren was also coerced to repeat H.'s name during her speech, as was Senator Sanders! One comedian couldn't have been more clear regarding H. status! Funny thing H. was a Secretary a couple years ago & No political position since, but now wants to be rewarded with a legacy! Don't forget the jury is out on weather H. will ever be allowed to manage classified information again!

Monday, 6 June 2016

Sunday, 22 May 2016

Poetry Celebrating Beauty & Elegance Of American States By: Joy Kissoon (Copyright ©)

By: Joy Kissoon



Friday, 29 April 2016

Greetings Indiana!

Hello Indiana -- Your Vote Matters
Senator Sanders is Your Democratic Candidate
Vote too promote Equality in America!
Indiana send A Clear Message to the World!
Senator Sanders is Growing his Momentum; he's in it to "Win".

Democratic Candidate Senator Bernie Sanders!

No Stopping; The Rights Of Every American Matters!

Change comes with "Persistence"

Value For Integrity, Honesty, Impartiality, Dignity & Respect For Each Other.

Thursday, 28 April 2016

Supporting Free Education Initiative!

Here Are A Few Countries That Have Been Most Successful In Educating Their Citizen!
Incidentally some countries even offer "Free Education Internationally" -- So check Your Facts don't be misled.

Friday, 22 April 2016

One America -- Walking Together -- Let's Hear Your Voices! (Copyright ©)

By: Joy Kissoon


Thursday, 21 April 2016

People In The News!

Finally, let’s understand that when we stand together, we will always win. When men and women stand together for justice, we win. When Blacks, Whites and Hispanics people stand together for Justice, “We Win”. By: Bernie Sanders

Democracy, Equality & Unity is Not unique; yet America’s 1% is opposed to sharing America’s wealth. Ethnicity in America can experience Equality!
Albert Einstein message -- Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value. Albert Einstein
Read more at:
