Joy-PSE: People & Society E-Pub./Empathizers (Ba.So.Sc.-Criminal Justice, Artist, Nurse) *** "Celebrating Courage" "©"

Sunday, 28 April 2024

WALKING THE Line -- Power Elite -- Infiltration!

WALKING THE Line -- Power Elite -- Infiltration!
June 01, 2024 -- Re-Edited To include Corrections in regards to New York (N.Y) State regulations on Jury Duty.
How Did Donald Trump rise to Power Elite Status?
What about Madam Stormy Daniels? Analysis -- Ms. Daniels worked for Trump in her capacity as a Call-Girl/Woman---For Sale.. Ms. Daniels would Never amount to much on her own, but if she had a Boss with Money and Power? Daniels only knew how to satisy men.... This was a valuable skill utilized under the right circumstances -- With Money and Power comes suspecion, mistrust, and such. Donald Trump the Businessman needed people he could trust for a price ofcourse.
It appears Daniels would get close to Trump's employees, particularly those that were in his immediate circle. Her role was created to exercise control over people and draw information that would be easy to retrieve under special circumstances!
Problem: As Trump rose and got into the Status Of The Power Elite, people who served him felt their commission/bonus ought to reflect his fame and glory.. In other words they became greedy and was willing to smeer Trump for a bit of this glory. Donald Trump in his position, now had to bare the slander rather than name names in his circle, or organization that got dirty with Daniels.
Socialogist Charles Wright Mills Theory on Elite Power The Businessman Trump, was Not from the usual class of family elites and did Not belong to; My League referred to by Mills. However, Trump was adamant that he will go around academia and achieve his status regardless!
You and I know Donald Trump never had any vice or addiction/s, and he loves his Women Clean, Young, Beautiful, Non-American dependent to a degree, where he believes they can be trusted...Trust A Must!
Trump will meet with Daniels, but Not for Sex as is the premise in Court.. Trump will NEVER go with a Womam who services men in the bedroom... he holds himself at a higher level than most other men..
Speed Forward And We Have:
* Hush Money Scandal The Worse Kind Of Scandal One Can Endure In Public Office/Re-entering Public Office -- The Highest Order In The USA
Washington Post -- Secrets, lies and payoffs laid bare in Week 1 of Trump trial testimony
Why was Cohen authorized to pay Daniels $130K? The money went to Cohen as a Legal Fee and then to Daniels..
So was it a Legal Fee Payment?
We know it was Not For Bedroom contact with Trump.... So what was Daniels paid for? Was it a Legal Fee? It was work Daniels did For Trump or Cohen... So can it be termed a Legal Fee? That's what a Judge ought to be considering.. Instead Donald Trump will take the wrap rather than name names!
Trump Believes In His Innocence and also Believes No Judge will Convict an Innocent Man -- Likely Trump Does Not believe in Wrongfully Convicted.. Or simply believes No Judge will Convict a US President---But this may embolden the Judge with Powers he Never thought possible...
But what happens to the Judge career if Trump retakes "The White House?"
I'll expand another time -- thanks for reading!
Continuing on May 03, 2024 --:
Analyzing "Hush Money" -- What does this Phrase Means? Definition of hush money noun from the Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary
hush money noun /ˈhʌʃ mʌni/ /ˈhʌʃ mʌni/ [uncountable]
​"Money that is paid to somebody to prevent them from giving other people information that could be embarrassing or damaging."
According to Merriam-Webster dictionary: "Extortion"
Extortion noun ex·​tor·​tion ik-ˈstȯr-shən Synonyms of extortion
1 : The act or practice of extorting especially money or other property especially : the offense committed by an official engaging in such practice
2 : something extorted especially : a gross overcharge extortioner ik-ˈstȯr-sh(ə-)nər noun extortionist ik-ˈstȯr-sh(ə-)nist noun
Cohen took hold of the "Hush Money" conversation...clarifying he will be using other channels to pay the requested sum of money (unusually large payment--Extortion) to Daniels...acting as a Fixer of the video with Trump about payment! It appears Cohen was also stalling Daniels with his many strategies... before the money could be paid out....Huh!
Those that want money and power but are clueless..... Cohen cooked this whole scheme... and waited for the pieces to Fall..!
May Continue Expanding...!
May 30th., 2024-----------------------"THE VERDICT"----------------------------------
Twelve (12) Jurors decided to Convict on all 34 counts of felony indictable charges in regards to: Falsification of Business Record Transactions that IRS (No Tax Evasion) did Not interpret as worthy of criminal intent pertaining to Deception..and Election laws Not actually identified or prosecuted under Federal Juristicditon (The Federal Election Campaign Act)...just that N.Y State Court, believes monies paid was done to secure the 2016, Presidential election in favor of Donald J. Trump... But have No Jurisdiction to Prosecute such -- Huh!
This was a Fantastic Bunch of 12 People, cause while they had no training in law... and found it difficult to understandand what the New York (N.Y) State, Court wanted tham to "DO"... They Delivered the Verdict their State insisted on!
NOTE: Romours with angry Americans and New Yorkers, believing this case MUST have a "Guilty Verdict" to Prove N.Y State is Not conflicted in their decision-making. Whereby N.Y State top political figures and some Democrats threatened President Donald J. Trump (45th of the USA), with indictaments and convictions, after he made history by becomming the first Billionaire/Businessman to win the US Presidential election in 2016. N.Y State accused of deliberately Wasting Time, Money, Resources (Millions), and tainting reputations. The Verdict would also impact major players in this deliberate conviction, or lack off..filtering over to N.Y City and N.Y State... for what many individuals may or may Not fully comprehend.
What was absolutely deliberate here was Not that the Jury needed to determine if the 45th., President of the United States, Donald J. Trump, paid a Hooker for sex in 2006; 10 years before he actually became the US President.... But if by doing so was he intentionally engaged in criminal activities--coverup of sorts whereby Mr. Trump authorized $130K payment, because his attorney/Fixer at the time reported that said Hooker was threatening to go public and Must be paid (Extortion). Mr. Trump then Fixer, said he would handle the authorizing channels to make the payment legitimate... and because this person wore 2 hats as a Trump employee, Fixer and Attorney, the Fixer, and people within the Trump organization labelled this payment a "Legal Expense." N.Y State Prosecutor/s determined that the payment was a miscategorization of Hush Money Payment. Possibly there was a section where, Trump organization accountant could select "Hush Money" and they did Not select such... making this an intentional felony carrying 34 counts of felony indictable charges.. Huh If I've lost You Bear With Me This gets More Complicated!
Now that we have looked at and identified the ethical dilemma / promblem that N.Y State Prosecutors utilized to begin their process...this does Not end there. Next, it is Not that Trump organization failed to declare "Hush Money," which may Not even be a Legal category with the Internal Revenue Services (IRS) in the US.The Jury consisting of 12 individuals, would have the job of determining if by classifying the Hooker payment, paid by the Fixer, defined as a "Legal Expense" was done with criminal intent -- The most that is clearly visible here is a possible error/s. The Jury Now have to also have No doubt that, President Trump (Former), NOT his accountant, the Fixer, or the Trump organization: Falsified business records, engaged in Election corruption or was attempting Tax Evasion --- The Prosecution and the N.Y State Court asking this Jury For A Conviction because they have NO Doubt that President Trump, "Intentionally ((Mens Resus))" engaged in crimes as defined under Election Laws/Regulations, Falsifying Business Records and, or Tax Evasion...
In order to Convict this Jury Must Have No Reasonable Doubt that President Trump intentionally committed a crime and decide which crime he intentionally committed... the Prosecution did Not think it was there job to decide on the Crime President Trump intentionally committed... The Judge also had No idea....telling the Jury it was there job to decide on the crime... no matter which crime, just link each of the 34 charges to either: Election Concerns, Falsyfing Business Records, and or Tax Evasion...! How about that for N.Y State passing the Buck on a bunch of 12 citizens?
--------------------You Decide -- Did The Law Get Abused on May 30th., 2024---------------------------
These 12 Jurors were extremely Confused... No idea What N.Y State is asking them to Do? Therefore, repeatedly going back to the Judge for clarification... So in the End the Judge, spent hours dictating What the Jury Must Do! (They could Not Go Home To Their Families If they Did Not Deliver Exactly What he Stated...)! Correction: N.Y State Jurors go home daily, and do have the amenities of home, as well as family support with court instructions. Jurors, that were missing work may continue to be paid their regular wages while serving Jury duty, in the alternative Jurors are paid by the Federal Government of the United States of America (USA).
**It's Presidential Election Season in the US & Donald J. Trump is the Republician Presumptive Noinee!
----------------------Donald Trump Needs A Presidential Pardon Before Sentencing------------------------- Republicians along with Mr. Trump, have the Republician National Convention Scheduled From July 15 to 18, 2024, at the Fiserv Forum in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. and President Joe Biden has agreed to, 2 Debates with Trump on, June 27th., and Sept. 10th., 2024, respectively.
Possible Olive Branch Involves Bipartisan Politics; US Setting an Example To Stop Political Divisions Internally! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Dear President Biden, the 46th. President of the United States of America... Level Headed Individuals all Know This is All Politics! President Trump(Former) lived his life following laws Not breaking those. Lets See what Bipartisan Politics in America looks like -- How About A Presidential Pardon For A Man that lives, eat and breath to Work & Serve in America.. PLEASE show him integrity is alive and Well!
Donald J. Trump Do Not deserve to have a Criminal Record for things that Even 12 Jurors, had difficulty understanding....! Now President Trump (Former), Please Ask / Seek A Presidential Pardon From the sitting President a.s.a.p...
----------------------------A Presidential Pardon To Serve Justice That Matters------------------------
May continue Expanding Based on "Real Life" Events!
June 03, 2024, media outlets are struggling to figure out if President Donald J. Trump, have voting Rights.. This is a most complex matter in the USA. For article on Felony Voter Disenfranchisement in the US, see the comprehensive analysis of all 50 States entitled; "Amending The U.S. Constitution: Permitting Voter Re-Enfranchisement Privileges For Rehabilitated Non-Violent Felons Can Deter Recidivism!" For a Quick Summary see the table on page 10.
First I look at Florida State (Trump Home location), that updated Felony Voter Enfranchisement in 2018, however Trump was convicted in New York State. Florida State, refers voting privileges to the State of Comviction.. meaning if President Trump (Former), is a parolee he would need to apply to New York State Governor to request voting privileges.
There are some good News... because President Trump could move to: Alabama, Arozina, or Nevada State, to vote in the 2024 Presidential Election, for which he will be the Republican Nominee, on November 5th., 2024.
Will continue Expanding -- Thank You for Reading!
There are some good News... because President Trump could move to: Alabama, Arozina, or Nevada State, to vote in the 2024 Presidential Election, for which he will be the Republican Nominee, on November 5th., 2024.
June 05, 2024 -- Read Media Update on the charges Donald J. Trump was convicted on and what about questions of a US Supreme Court Intervention?
According to, Justia US Law: all 34 felong charges prosecuted by N.Y State were specific to "§ 175.10 Falsifying business records in the first degree." ***Here's where this Jury was taken to task by the Judge and the Prosecution -- This Jury could only Find the Former President, Guilty or Innocent...They could Not find him Guilty of 1 count, regarding Falisying Business Records... cause all 34 counts stemmed from the same US Penal Law Code!
President Trump's legal Team went to the Supreme Court to ascertain immunity claims by Trump, in regards to Criminal Prosecution. in the US. The Supreme Court is delibrating on such possibility of granting precedence in the US. However, the Supreme Court Cannot grant Blanket immunity, what they have authority to do is create a balance of probability for varying degrees of immunity regarding indictments Trump's Legal Teal Team submitted.
Meaning, that based on the US Supreme Court's interpretation of immunity request pertaining to those current submissions, the President's legal team may then have legal precedence to overturn his current convictions!
There's No possibility that this will all transpire before his Sentencing on July 11, 2024, or the US Presidential election scheduled for Nov. 05, 2024..
President Trump's Best and possibly only option is to Get a Presidential Pardon BEFORE Sentencing... Hence, forgetting all the rhetoric of bankrupting N.Y. State with a Lawsuit...!
On the Balance of Probability... President Donald J. Trump, must choose... Money or Power... or Both with Limitations!
Thanks For Reading..
On July 02, 2024 -- International News is Buzzing With the 45th., President, Presidential Immunity in the US! ************ NOTE:- This US Supreme Court Decision Does Not Provide Blanket Immunity, but Does Recognize Immunity For Duties that are labelled "Official"
VERY CRITICAL PRECEDENCE:- Will Impact Not Only The US, But all of Our Free World
"Held: Under our constitutional structure of separated powers, the nature of Presidential power entitles a former President to absolute immunity from criminal prosecution for actions within his conclusive and preclusive constitutional authority. And he is entitled to at least presumptive immunity from prosecution for all his "Official ACTS"
1) This Precedence Will impact evidence collection in the "Hush Money Trial" Opinion: There won't be anything left to indict the 45th., President! Question: Can the Judge excise his Powers before sentencing scheduled for July 11, 2024? Or will this have to wait for an Appeal Process --- Where it will Be Overturned!
US President Trump (45th.), found himself in massive legal battles across The United States Of America; for mainly Partisan Political Greviences... it is estimated the 45th. President, a former businessman with a clean record, suddenly came under attack with 91+ cases for: Civil, legal and Criminally indictable offences.
**NOTE:- Courts will Now have to carefully determine what actions were taken while the 45th., President was in Office and Prove it was unofficial to Go ahead with any of those Cases.. This will be a grant constitutional anomaly because it would be extemely difficult to separate Official & Unoffical duties Whilst one is in the "Oval Office". You see even if the President go to use the toilet... that's Official Duties... How? For the simple fact that he cannot function adequately to Perform those Presidential Duties if he Fails to clear his Bowels... normal Bowel Routine!
Would Love To See what happens when, The Judge Attempts To Clearify Unofficial Duties of the US President under the US Constitution! Law --- Haaaaaaaahaaaaaa Got To Love It!
------------------------Here's What To Look For In Addition To the "Hush Money Trial"--------------------------------
Direct Quotation:- "Federal grand jury indicted former President Donald J. Trump on four counts for conduct that occurred during his Presidency following the November 2020 election. The indictment alleged that after losing that election, Trump conspired to overturn it by spreading knowingly false claims of election fraud to obstruct the collecting, counting, and certi- fying of the election results. Trump moved to dismiss the indictment based on Presidential immunity, arguing that a President has absolute immunity from criminal prosecution for actions performed within the outer perimeter of his official responsibilities, and that the indict- ment’s allegations fell within the core of his official duties (July 01, 2024, US Supreme Court Court Syllabus, Oct., 2023, TRUMP v. UNITED STATES CERTIORARI TO THE UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA CIRCUIT No. 23–939. Argued April 25, 2024)."
"The District Court denied Trump’s motion to dismiss, holding that former Presidents do not possess federal criminal immunity for any acts. The D. C. Circuit affirmed. Both the District Court and the D. C. Circuit declined to decide whether the indicted conduct involved official acts (July 01, 2024, Trump v. United States Court, etal.)."
Got To Love The USA!
Thanks For Reading... May continue in the Future...

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