According to
Cohan (2020), the antibody cocktail consisted of 2 types of antibodies, one from
a recovered COVID-19 patient mixed with antibodies from a mouse with a superior
human immune system. Scientist are experimenting with animals to create human
immune pathophysiology for research purposes; to find cures for diseases.
J. Cohen, 'Update: Here’s what is known about Trump’s COVID-19 treatment,'
AAAS Science (2020),
President Trump is a 74 year old male, with pre-existing health conditions, who
is in the midst of an exhaustive election campaign. Days earlier this President
squared off on the debate stage with the Democratic nominee Joe Biden, following
which he attended a fund raising event and journeyed to supporters as the key
note speaker; part of this election campaign. Speaking at packed rallies is
nothing new for Trump; as always his week was full of activities.
With the massive number of deaths from COVID-19 in American States (> 210,00 to date),
the President was promptly advised by his physicians, to go into Walter Reid
National Military Medical Center for immediate medical care. On the afternoon of October 02, 2020, President Trump was admitted and became a COVID-19 patient at the facility.
During his care at the facility the President was prescribed a
five (5) day cycle of Remdesivir for treating the viral infection. The steroid
dexamethasone, was also used to manage immune system responses (Cohen, 2020).
U.S. National National Library of Medicine, 'Dexamethasone,"
Medline Plus (2020),
On October 04, 2020, President Trump tweeted that he was feeling much better and
is ready to return home to the White House. As indicated, the President was
discharged the next day on October 05, 2020, at 6:30 p.m. after having received
his 4th. dose of Remdesivir. The final does to be administered at the White House, the
next day, Oct. 06, 2020!
In usual times, possibly media personal would refrain
from attacking someone who is in recovery; especially when COVID-19 has already
show it's powers; with increasing death toll of individuals with Pre-existing
Of all the treatments received by President Trump, the only treatment not currently available for treating COVID-19, is the antibody cocktail.
Therefore, it begs the question, "Why so many deaths in America, when there are alternatives to treat the disease?"
Further, because of how well the
experimental antibody worked for this 74 years old male, very likely this will
speed up FDA approval. Another positive here for those who have contracted the
Furthermore, media personal in America is focusing on bullying
accompanied with many attempts at ridiculing President Trump for being diagnosed
with COVID-19, and seeking immediate treatment. CNN, and MSNBC, went ballistic when
Trump was being discharged from Walter Reid National Military Medical Center.
Other media outlets followed with tremendous criticism, appearing more like
bullying to Americans, and those of us watching internationally.. Hate rhetoric
spread across American media with less than a month to the next Presidential General
Election; scheduled for Nov. 03, 2020.
A few Examples of Media Representatives Openly Bullying Trump!
Rhetoric spilling over into international media outlets...! A person in recovery
treated inhumanly....Nevertheless, the obvious conclusion here is that this
President will not ask the public to do anything he himself is not willing to
do...Therefore he offered himself up for experimental treatments, and took the
status quo medications to be able to report on the effectiveness of those
medications; meant to give the public peace of mind when accepting treatment!
K. Liptak and M. Reston, 'Trump Returns To White House and
Removes Mask Despite Having Covid,' CNN,
D. Smith, L. Gambino & H. Sullivan, Contagious Trump Removes Mask For Photo Upon
Return From Hospital,' The Guardian, 2020,
Z. Miller, J. Colvin and A. Madhani, 'Trump Still Infectious, Back At The White
House, Without Mask,' Associated Press, KPBS, 2020,