IMPEACHMENT Extortion Anomaly
Wednesday, February 05, 2020, signifies the conclusion of a Politically Partisan (House of Commons Democrats), attempt to overthrow the 45th., President of the United States of America (U.S.A.): Donald J. Trump (a Republican).
On Sept. 24, 2019, Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi called a news conference to announce Democrats desire to immediately pursue impeachment inquiry against U.S., President Trump (elected to his post in 2016). An incredible extortion anomaly, considering everything revealed during the Senate Impeachment Trial.
Democrats needed to prove without a reasonable doubt that President Trump, was extorting special favors from Ukraine, while using military aid as leverage, to strong arm Ukraine government into opening corruption investigations against the Bidens; Joe and Hunter Biden.
If you did actually follow the law in regards to allegations and watch the Senate Impeachment Trial to find the facts; you cannot deduct that President Trump did anything wrong. President Trump wanted the American people to have clarity. Joe Biden, can fool many but the first time I watched the unfolding of events at the Democratic National Convention (DNC), in 2016; it was clear, Biden views low income and middle class folks as little people. Senator Bernie Sanders, had the electorate support, but Hillary Clinton was the Democratic nominee, and Sanders (an Independent),supporters were ridiculed by, Joe Biden for being little. Biden said, let them vent, they will soon cease their protest and vote Hillary in 2016, because they are angry now but will soon forget!
Americans have proven they do not forget.. Democrats had decades in government, and could Not even find a way to engage in Criminal Justice reform. I studied Criminal Justice (Bachelor of Social Science), on an international administrative level, and was shown the truth about Black minority segregation in America and wrote papers, and did research on this topic. Former administrations failed to even attempt change that will undo minority oppression and marginalization. Under President Trump, all peoples are equal regardless of skin color, ethnic origin, religion and so forth. This is what Americans are voting for, not for lies and innuendos, that leaves them at the mercy of their politicians!
One Democratic House Manager in President Trump Impeachment Trial said this is her 3rd., Impeachment Trial in U.S. history; it appears this is her work, and she wants to be remembered for it. Not fighting for Americans, but bringing Presidents to their knees.
Not this time, because President Trump did nothing wrong!
Regards to President Trump team of Attorneys, with special emphasis on Attorney Patrick Philbin -- Not likely to forget his name anytime soon….a job well done! Without knowing anything about Mr. Philbin, I saw one snippet of him at the podium and was glued for the rest of the Senate Impeachment trial…I could seriously listen to him all day…
Read more about Patrick Philbin:
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